Sample: My biorhythms
What does biorhythms mean?
At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess noticed identical rhythms in the case histories of his patients. He observed active and passive phases in the physical, emotional and mental aspects of humans. From these observations he derived the principle of the biorhythms: The physical curve with its cycle of 23 days, the emotional curve with 28 days and the mental curve with 33 days.
When the curve of any cycle is above the midline, we experience a "high" in the corresponding field (physical, emotional or mental). If it is the physical curve, you will feel bodily well and, for example, if you were to have an operation the body would be more resilent. If it is the emotional curve, you will be in a good mood and your contact with other people will be positive. If it is the mental curve, your thought processes will be sharper, concentration will be easier and you may have a lot of ideas and insights.
When the curve of any cycle is below the midline, we experience a "low" in the corresponding field. If it is a physical low, you may feel weak and listless; if it is an emotional low, you may feel miserable and out of sorts; if it is a mental low, thinking can be foggy and concentration hard.
When any of the curves crosses the midline, this is a critical time in the corresponding field and if two curves cross the midline at the same point, this is a very critical time. Critical in the physical field means you may feel exhausted and it is better to avoid physical effort and operations. Critical in the emotional field means you may feel irritable and sad, and emotional outbreaks are likely so it is better to avoid conflicts and arguments. Critical in the mental field finally means sluggish thinking and it is better to postpone activities that demand a lot of concentration.
Average (the yellow bar) is the average of the three levels "physical", "emotional" and "intellectual". It's level can be used to interpret your general well-being or state of health .
Biorhythms can't predict or explain events, they can only suggest how we may deal with them. For example, some doctors plan operations around them or sports coaches use them in their individual training programs. But it is up to you whether you believe in them or not.
Emotional Cycle: governs the nervous system, which is also called the "sensitivity rhythm". What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Emotional Stages? For the Positive Emotional Stage, you will feel great creativity, lovingness, and warmth. Also, you will probably be more open in your relationships. For the Negative Emotional Stage, you're inclined to feel withdrawn and less cooperative. You may also feel very irritated and negative about those things that occur in your daily life.
Physical Cycle: affects the physical aspect of the body, including your energy level, resistance, and overall physical strength and endurance. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Physical Stages? For the Positive Physical Stage, you will feel at your best. You will feel physically fit to work on projects requiring physical strength and endurance. For the Negative Physical Stage, you are likely to have less energy and less vitality. Be sure to follow this cycle if you require physical endurance for either sports or work.
Intellectual Cycle: believed to originate in the brain. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Intellectual Stages? For the Positive Intellectual Stage, you will be more intellectually responsive; you're open to accepting and understanding new ideas, theories and approaches. For the Negative Intellectual Stage, you're much more likely to have difficulty grasping new ideas and concepts
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