Chess Trap : Ruy Lopez Bishop Takes Knight Black Checkmate
Chess Trap: Morra Gambit Chess Trap White Queen
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Learn Chess from youtube:
Posted by Unknown at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: chess opening, youtube
Learn chess opening from youtube: Sicilian Najdorf
Posted by Unknown at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: chess opening, youtube
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
USM Engineering Campus Open 2008 Results
I finish in 14th place with 5/7 point. Lose to Lim Chin Teng (N.R=1677)in round 3 and to my friends A'amaluddin Bebakar in round 4th. Below are the result of USM Engineering Campus Open 2008 Results (28/12/2008):
1st :Thong Yung Chen
2nd :Tan Wei Kai
3rd :Ng Yong Quan
4th:Capel Evan Timothy
5th:Lim Chin Teng
6th:Chuah Heng Meng
7th:Khor Bean Hwa
8th:Lee Jing Yao
9th:Chan Chee Weng
10th :Poh Ker Haw
Best USM:
1st: Alias bin Hanafi a.k.a capman
2nd:Razemy Raffay
3rd:Cheah Wee Keat
Best U 18 boy:
1st:Lee Chan Tung
2nd:Lim Kong Hui
3rd:Wee Zhao Liang
Best U 18 girl:
1st:Ong Choon Yong
2nd:Wong Siew Ting
3rd:Janet Tan Jia Yin
Best U 15 boy:
1st:Teh De Jack
2nd:Lee Jing Xuan
3rd:Muhammad Nurislam
Best U 15 girl:
1st:Tan Jia Yun
2nd:Fatin Masyitah bt Mas'ud
3rd:Noremilia Natasha Binti Kamaruzaman
Best U 12 boy:
1st:Teoh Ern Tek
2nd:Lim Chuin Khai
3rd:Muhammad Nuriman Yahaya
Best U 12 girl:
1st:Lim Yen Xin
2nd:Kelly Lim Pei Ying
3rd:Fairuz Hamizah
for more detail can visit
Posted by Unknown at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result, USM
Polgar Chess Daily News and Information: Different format, same results
Posted by Unknown at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: susan polgar
Tarikh dan Tempat
Acara individu : 10 – 11 Januari 2009
Acara berpasukan : 17 – 18 Januari 2009
Tempat : Dewan Utama Pelajar (DPA dan DP B), Kampus Induk, USM Pulau Pinang.

* Tahun pelajar adalah dikira pada 01 Januari 2009**
Sijil Penyertaan akan diberikan kepada semua peserta Institusi Pengajian Tinggi dan sekolah*** Had bilangan pemain individu: 200 orang sahaja.
Had bilangan pasukan: 66 pasukan sahaja.
• Yuran pendaftaran individu adalah seperti berikut:
PCA member:
UmumRM- 22RM
Institusi pegajian tinggi/ kolejRM- 19
U18/U15 RM- 17RM
U12/U10 RM- 15
Non PCA member:
UmumRM- 27RM
Institusi pegajian tinggi/ kolejRM- 21
U18/U15 RM- 19
U12/U10 RM- 17
• Bilangan pemain dihadkan dalam jumlah 200 orang sahaja.
• Semua pemain adalah tertakluk kepada “National Rating”. Nilai permulaan sebanyak 1200 akan diberikan kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai “ National Rating”.
• Keputusan arbiter adalah muktamad. Setiap aduan terhadap permainan perlu diserahkan kepada Arbiter kejohanan dalam masa 15 minit selepas pusingan tersebut. Bayaran pemprosesan sebanyak RM50.00 akan dikenakan. Wang ini tidak akan dikembalikan sekiranya aduan tidak berjaya.
• Hadiah-hadiah yang berbentuk wang tunai, piala dan barangan akan disampaikan kepada para pemenang. Barangan tidak boleh ditukarkan kepada wang tunai.
• Panel Rayuan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang pemain akan dilantik sebelum pertandingan dimulakan.
• Masa permainan diperuntukan ialah 40 minit dan masa ’walk-over’ ialah 30 minit. Sekiranya kedua-kedua pemain tidak hadir, maka mereka dianggap kalah. Nama permain yang tidak hadir tanpa sebab akan digugurkan daripada pusingan akan datang.
• Catatan gerakan adalah tidak wajib, tetapi keputusan yang dicatat pada ‘score sheet’ dan ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pemain adalah muktamad dan arbiter TIDAK akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kesilapan pemain.
• Sistem pemutus mengikut keutamaan adalah seperti berikut:
o Buchholz
o Berger
o Progress
• Tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada 8 Januari 2009. Denda sebanyak RM 5.00 akan dikenakan kepada peserta yang lewat mendaftar.
• Jawatankuasa Penganjur berhak menambah, menolak dan menukar sebarang peraturan sebelum dan semasa pertandingan jika difikirkan perlu.
Acara Berpasukan:
• Yuran pendaftaran:
RM 90.00 sepasukan bagi pelajar sekolah dan institusi pegajian tinggio
RM 70.00 sepasukan bagi pasukan 12 tahun ke bawah
RM 110.00 sepasukan bagi pasukan awam.
• Bilangan pasukan dihadkan dalam jumlah 66 pasukan sahaja.
• Kejohanan ini berdasarkan Peraturan Sistem Swiss FIDE 7 pusingan.
• Semua pemain adalah tertakluk kepada “National Rating”
. Nilai permulaan sebanyak 1200 akan diberikan kepada mereka yang tidak mempunyai “ National Rating”.
• Panel Rayuan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang ketua pasukan akan dilantik sebelum pertandingan dimulakan.
• Keputusan arbiter adalah muktamad. Hanya ketua pasukan dibenarkan membuat bantahan kedapa Panel Rayuan. Setiap aduan terhadap permainan perlu diserahkan kepada Arbiter kejohanan dalam masa 15 minit selepas pusingan tersebut. Bayaran pemprosesan sebanyak RM50.00 akan dikenakan. Wang ini tidak akan dikembalikan sekiranya aduan tidak Berjaya.
• Hadiah-hadiah yang berbentuk wang tunai, piala dan barangan akan disampaikan kepada para pemenang. Barangan tidak boleh ditukarkan kepada wang tunai.
• Masa permainan diperuntukan ialah 45 minit dan masa ’walk-over’ ialah 30 minit. Sekiranya kedua-kedua pemain tidak hadir, maka kedua-dua pemain dianggap kalah.
• Semua pasukan perlu mengisi boring ‘Final Ranking Order’ semasa pendaftaran.
• Pendaftaran rasmi dan penentuan susunan tetap pemain-pemain perlu dibuat sebelum pusingan pertama bermula. Penukaran susunan tetap pemain-pemain tidak dibenarkan selepas pendaftaran rasmi dilakukan.
• Borang ‘Board line up’ bagi 4 orang pemain kedua-dua pasukan perlu diisi kepada pihak arbiter paling lewat 5 minit sebelum setiap pusingan pertandingan bermula. Jika lambat, nama 4 orang pemain teratas dalam boring ‘Final Ranking Order’ akan diambil secara automatic atau didenda masa 10 minit sekiranya peserta masih mahu membuat pilihan sendiri.
• Pasukan yang memberi kemenangan semua papan secara percuma tanpa sebab yang munasabah akan dianggap telah menarik diri.
• Catatan gerakan adalah tidak wajib, tatapi keputusan yang dicatat pada ‘score sheet’ dan ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pemain adalah muktamad. Para ketua pasukan perlu pastikan keputusan ahli kumpulan pada setiap pusingan adalah betul sebelum tandatangan pada ‘Board line up’ dilakukan. Arbiter TIDAK akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kesilapan pemain.
• Pemain jemputan mesti sama taraf dengan peserta-peserta dalam pasukan tersebut. Contohnya, pemain jemputan bagi pasukan wanita mesti juga seorang wanita.
• Setiap pasukan mesti terdiri daripada sekurang-kurangnya 4 orang pemain dan tidak boleh melebihi 6 orang pemain. Hanya 4 orang pemain daripada setiap pasukan dibenarkan bermain pada setiap pasukan.
• Penentuan hadiah adalah mengikut jumlah mata permainan. Jika seri, system pemutus berikut dipakai:
a) Jumlah mata perlawanan.
b) Keputusan perlawanan di antara pasukan-pasukan terlibat.
c) Jumlah mata permainan untuk 3 papan pertama.
d) Jumlah mata permainan untuk 2 papan pertama.
e) Jumlah mata permainan untuk papan pertama.
f) Perlawanan catur kilat di antara seorang wakil setiap pasukan yang terlibat.
• Hadiah papan adalah mengikut peratusan mata.
Bagi papan 1 hingga papan 4, pemain sekurang-kurangnya bermain 5 permainan manakala bagi papan simpanan pula hanya 4 permainan. Jika seri, system pemutus berikut dipakai:
a) Jumlah mata permainan.
b) Keputusan permainan diantara pemain-pemain yang terlibat.
c) Perlawanan catur kilat di antara pemain-pemain yang terlibat.
• Tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada 15 Januari 2009. Denda akan dikenakan sebanyak RM 20.00 kepada peserta yang lewat mendaftar.
• Jawatankuasa Penganjur berhak menambah, menolak dan menukar sebarang peraturan sebelum dan semasa pertandingan jika difikirkan perlu.
Peringatan :1. Pendaftaran hanya sah apabila bayaran telah dibuat.
2. Borong salinan (photostat) boleh diterima.
3. Tarikh tutup penghantaran borang penyertaan adalah pada 8 Januari 2009.
4. Pendaftaran selepas 8 Januari 2009 akan dikenakan denda sebanyak RM5.00.
5. Pembayaran yuran harus dijelaskan dalam masa 9.00am-11.00am, 10 Januari 2009,
kelewatan pembayaran tidak akan dilayan dan kelayakan akan dibatal.
6. Cek/M.O./P.O. Berpalang/Tunai sila buat atas nama: BENDAHARI USM’
7. Sila hantarkan borang penyertaan kepada:
Kelab Bridge dan Catur USM
Pusat Mahasiswa,
11800 Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Pulau Pinang.
Atau melalui email kepada :
Detail here:
Posted by Unknown at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Upcoming Tournament, USM
Chess update of 1st Asian Club Cup at Al Ain,UAE
Pairing and result as below. All result from
Posted by Unknown at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result, World
Monday, December 29, 2008
Result of 3rd FIDE Grand Prix at Elista city of Russia
The young Azerbaijani ,Teymur Rajabov won Elista FIDE Grand Prix.In final round he draw with Russian Aleksandr Grishuk. Aleksandr Grishuk and Russian Dmitri Yakovenko who finish the same score with Rajabov (8 points) finish 2nd and 3rd.
1 Radjabov, Teimour -8
2 Jakovenko, Dmitry -8
3 Grischuk, Alexander-8
4 Gashimov, Vugar -7.5
5 Lékó, Peter -6.5
6 Bacrot, Etienne-6.5
7 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar -6.5
8 Wang Yue -6.5
9 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam -6.5
10 Cheparinov, Ivan -6.0
11 Alekseev, Evgeny -5.5
12 Eljanov, Pavel 5.5
13 Akopian, Vladimir -5.0
14 Inarkiev, Ernesto -5.0
Final standings (after thirteen rounds)
Posted by Unknown at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
USM Engineering Campus Open Chess Tournament 2008
Esok, 28/12/2008 adalah Kejohan Catur USM Kampus Kejuruteraan. Ini merupakan kejohanan terakhir pada tahun ini sebelum kita menyambut tahun 2009. Setelah 1 tahun saya aktif bermain , 2009 saya akan cuba dapatkan sedikit hadiah@piala untuk dihiasai di rumah. Azam tahun 2009 amat tinggi, tapi komitmen akan makin bertambah. Sama sama lah kita lihat.
Kalau dilihat pada nama nama yang mendaftar, terdapat nama Mas Hafizulhilmi, esok sama-sama kita lihat sama ada Mas akan turun @ tidak. Selamat berjaya semua dan selamat tahun baru Maal Hijrah.
Posted by Unknown at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Upcoming Tournament, USM
FIDE Grand Prix in Elista 2008 after round 11 review.
Standing after round 11.
I missed to report round 10. The result for round 10 and 11 as below.
Round 10: Thursday, December 25, 2008
Rustam Kasimdzhanov ½-½ Alexander Grischuk
Ivan Cheparinov 1-0 Vladimir Akopian
Etienne Bacrot ½-½ Wang Yue
Teimour Radjabov 1-0 Evgeny Alekseev
Shakh. Mamedyarov 1-0 Pavel Eljanov
Peter Leko 1-0 Vugar Gashimov
Dmitry Jakovenko 1-0 Ernesto Inarkiev
Round 11: Friday, December 26, 2008
Ernesto Inarkiev 0-1 Rustam Kasimdzhanov
Vugar Gashimov ½-½ Dmitry Jakovenko
Pavel Eljanov ½-½ Peter Leko
Evgeny Alekseev ½-½ Shakh. Mamedyarov
Wang Yue ½-½ Teimour Radjabov
Vladimir Akopian ½-½ Etienne Bacrot
Alexander Grischuk ½-½ Ivan Cheparinov
2 more round to go, my prediction is Dmitry Jakovenko will become a champion.
Below are few game of round 10 and 11.
all source from chessbase and
Posted by Unknown at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
First Asian Club Cup, 24-31 December in Al Ain, UAE
The Asian Chess Federation has the honor to invite all Asian National Chess Federations affiliated to FIDE to participate in the 1st Asian Chess Club Championship sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Sports Council and organized by the Al Ain Chess Club under the auspices of the UAE Chess Federation from 24th (arrival) to 31st December 2008 (closing) in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Trophies, medals and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 teams. A total of $60,000 in cash prizes shall be awarded as follows: First Team= US$20,000; Second Team= $12,000; Third Team $ 8,000; Fourth Team= $ 6,000; Fifth Team= $ 4,000
Special group prizes of $5,000 shall be awarded at $1,000 each for five rating groups to be grouped before the tournament.
Cash prizes of $5,000 for boards 1 to 5 shall be awarded based on performance rating with $500 for gold, $300 for silver and $200 for bronze medals.-from asiachess
Posted by Unknown at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Elista Grand Prix review
After 9 rounds , Gashimov and Alexander Grischuk lead this tournament with 6 points. Former leader Teimour Radjabov is half a point behind together with Dmitry Jakovenko. The Participant including Dmitry Jakovenko, Teimour Radjabov , Ernesto Inarkiev , Etienne Bacrot Wang Yue, Ivan Cheparinov, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Peter Lékó, Evgeny Alekseev, Vladimir Akopian, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Pavel Eljano.
Some game of the tournament:
Posted by Unknown at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
CRC Taiping Chess Open 2008 result
Open - Final Standing
Place Name Feder Rtg Loc Score Buch. Berg. Progr.
1 Fariz Shafruddin, 2184 6.5 31.5 28.75 27.5
2 Ahmad Fadzil Nayan, 1973 6 30.5 24 25
3 Liong Ing Kiat, 2165 5.5 29.5 22 23.5
4 Chuah Heng Meng, V 2250 5.5 26.5 20.75 20
5 Keok Kai En, 5 31.5 20 21
6 Ahmad Muzzafar, 1977 5 29.5 19.25 22
7 Mohd Azizul Hakim, 1740 5 27.5 16 22
8 Hor Kam Phew, V 2078 5 27 17.5 19
9 Syed Azizi b Abdul Rahman, 5 26.5 18.5 18
10 Muhd Syakir Shazmear, 1728 4.5 32 18.25 21.5
11 Thong Yung Chen, 1998 4.5 26 15.25 18.5
12 Lawrence Teoh, 1962 4.5 25 14.25 17.5
13 Tan Wei Kai, 1786 4.5 24 13.5 18
14 Tan Eu Hong, 2097 4 30.5 14.5 20
15 Mohd Johan Jamil, 1857 4 27 13 18
16 Ahmad Jamal, 1946 4 27 13 16
17 Khaw Cheow Ken, V 2011 4 27 11 20
18 Azmi Ishak, 1800 4 26.5 12 15
19 Khatib, 1718 4 25.5 14.25 15
20 Fairuz Hamizah, P 1500 4 25.5 12.5 15
21 Azwan Zaabah, 1617 4 24 12 14
22 Nayan Mahmud, V 1795 4 23.5 9 14
23 Zulhashime b Zulkefli, 4 21 11.25 13
24 Izz Saifuddin, 1752 4 20.5 7 15
25 Wan Mohd Jeefri, 4 20 8.5 14
26 Che Khairul Asmadi, 1828 3.5 31 13.25 18.5
27 Chan Wei Minh, 1628 3.5 30.5 14.75 18.5
28 Wan Azmi b Wan Othman, 3.5 26.5 12.75 15.5
29 Khor Bean Hwa, V 2030 3.5 26.5 10.5 14.5
30 Muhdammad Ariez b Azman, 3.5 22.5 11.5 13.5
31 Liew Voon Kiong, V/CR 3.5 20 8.25 13.5
32 Baharuddin b Hamzah, 3 31 12.25 15
33 Azhar Muhd Said, 1646 3 27.5 8.5 13
34 Ee Shu Jing, P 1572 3 26.5 9.25 13
35 Amir P, 3 25 7.5 11
36 Muhd Zaki Mahmood, 1592 3 25 7 11
37 Norazlin b Juarih, 1416 3 24 8 14
38 Wong Siew Ting, P 1500 3 22 7 9
39 Fairulazman b Zulkafli, 3 21.5 6.25 9
40 Shaik Dawood, V 3 18 6 8
41 Norazwan b Kamaruzaman, 3 17.5 3.5 8
42 Haris Padillah b Hj Dan, 2.5 26.5 9.25 11.5
43 Syamaizar b Lup, 1859 2.5 24 8.5 11.5
44 Agus Baharuddin, V 1918 2.5 22 5.75 11
45 Muhd Noor Khairullah, 2.5 20.5 5.25 9
46 Mohd Baddiuzzaman Praba, 2 22 3 6
47 Chan Kay Lynn, P 1517 2 21.5 1 7
48 Mat Zaki Yeop, V 1677 2 20.5 3 9
49 Firdaus P, 2 19 1 4
50 Mohd Hanifah b Pazil, 2 18 2 5
51 Radhakrishnan, V 1.5 22.5 1.5 6.5
52 Abdul Munir, 1 20 1 6
53 Vijiandren s/o Radhakrish, 1 16 0 2
54 Ooi Chong Hock, V/CR 0 13.5 0 0
For more detail visit
Posted by Unknown at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia news, Tournament Result
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Two big chess event in Malaysia
- KL Open International Chess Championship - this event managed by Intchess Malaysia,l be held in Kuala Lumpur from 15-21 December 2008. There will be three categories - Open, Challengers, and Visually Impaired (Blind) and there will also be a blitz tournament on the rest day and also a special simultaneous exhibition in aid of charity. You can view all article , pairing and result via KLchess Blog , klopen blog or other contributor likes gilachess, hairulovchessmaniac, marcusyeoh and gilocatur.
- Pencarian Jaguh Catur TERENGGANU Grand Final : Start from 18 Dec-22 Dec 2008. This event managed by The Terengganu State Government and Terengganu Chess. The playing venue will be at Terengganu Trade Center. For more details, result, pairing and winner can visit Caturterengganu blog and Syedchess Blog.
Posted by Unknown at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia news, Tournament Result
Monday, December 15, 2008
Penang Chess League Result
OFA A (Ronnie Lim,Chuah Heng Meng,Eoh Thean Keat and Lim Cheng Teik) the new winner of Penang Chess League 2008.They score 17 point, a point a head of their closed rival PERGAM and No More Sweetdreams.My team, USM-Horwitz Bishop finish this tournament with 12 point, in 17th place. Very bad result in day 1, just get 4/9 point. We win Best U/College.Full result as below:
Posted by Unknown at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Penang Chess League update
Buenaventura “Bong” Villamayor (picture from thestar).
The organizer, PCA (Penang Chess Association) has decided to change the Penang Chess League to 2008 Pesta Pulau Pinang Chess Open Tournament (Pertandingan Catur Terbuka Pesta Pulau Pinang). Top seed of this tournament is GM Buenaventura “Bong” Villamayor from Phillipines. He will team up with Anthony Liong Ing Kiat,Loo Swee Leong and Elgin Lee Kah Meng (Team WHH Senior). The other top player register is GM Moussa Taleb and team up with Muhd Tariq Amru, Muhyiddin Muhd Isa Mohd Azmi and Muhd Nabil Azman Hisham (MIXTRA-ZONE). My team (Horwitz Bishop-NORAZWAN, Me and HAFIZAN) with rating 1479 just join this tournament for fun and enjoyable. Because off the participant is to better than Horwitz Bishop. Perhap we will not finish at bottom of the table and lose again school boys.
I think the organizer should make this tournament become national rated tournament. Most off the Malaysia active player take part this time.
Posted by Unknown at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia news, Penang Chess League
Sunday, December 7, 2008
5th Singapore Masters & Challengers International Open Tournament 2008
This Singapore Masters & Challengers International Open Tournaments is schedule from 9th December -15th December 2008.No Malaysia players in Masters cateogory and around 13 player in Challenger lead by Tan Khai Boon.
Tournament winner, result , pairing and list of players as below:
Posted by Unknown at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Malaysia team: Result and pairing at Chess Olympiad Dresden 2008
good luck for Malaysia team, Malaysia boleh
Tournament winner, result , pairing and list of players as below:
Posted by Unknown at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia news, Olympiad Dresden 2008, Tournament Result
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
38th Chess Olympiad Dresden 2008
Top rankings
Rk. SNo Team Team Gms + = - TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4
1 9 Armenia ARM 11 9 1 1 19 400.5 152.0 31.0
2 8 Israel ISR 11 8 2 1 18 377.5 149.0 28.0
3 10 USA USA 11 8 1 2 17 362.0 146.0 29.0
4 2 Ukraine UKR 11 7 3 1 17 348.5 163.0 25.5
5 1 Russia RUS 11 7 2 2 16 375.0 156.0 27.0
6 4 Azerbaijan AZE 11 7 2 2 16 359.5 147.0 29.0
7 3 China CHN 11 7 2 2 16 357.5 150.0 27.0
8 5 Hungary HUN 11 7 2 2 16 341.5 140.0 27.5
9 37 Vietnam VIE 11 7 2 2 16 340.0 137.0 29.0
10 12 Spain ESP 11 7 2 2 16 337.5 142.0 27.5
11 17 Georgia GEO 11 8 0 3 16 321.0 138.0 28.0
12 20 Netherlands NED 11 7 1 3 15 343.0 146.0 27.5
13 11 Germany 1 GER1 11 6 3 2 15 339.0 151.0 26.5
14 6 Bulgaria BUL 11 7 1 3 15 327.5 132.0 29.5
15 15 England ENG 11 6 3 2 15 320.0 147.0 26.0
16 13 India IND 11 7 1 3 15 310.0 142.0 26.0
17 28 Slovenia SLO 11 7 1 3 15 288.0 134.0 26.0
18 23 Belarus BLR 11 5 4 2 14 307.0 137.0 26.5
19 14 Romania ROU 11 7 0 4 14 306.5 138.0 25.5
20 22 Serbia SRB 11 7 0 4 14 302.0 144.0 25.0
21 19 Norway NOR 11 5 4 2 14 300.0 139.0 24.0
22 7 France FRA 11 6 2 3 14 295.0 147.0 25.0
23 16 Cuba CUB 11 6 2 3 14 294.5 142.0 25.5
24 27 Greece GRE 11 5 4 2 14 292.5 137.0 25.5
25 30 Sweden SWE 11 6 2 3 14 286.0 133.0 25.5
26 42 Montenegro MNE 11 6 2 3 14 279.0 129.0 25.5
27 24 Croatia CRO 11 6 2 3 14 275.5 130.0 24.5
28 48 Canada CAN 11 6 2 3 14 272.5 109.0 30.0
29 21 Poland POL 11 6 1 4 13 301.0 134.0 27.0
30 29 Bosnia Herzeg. BIH 11 6 1 4 13 294.0 126.0 25.5
31 25 Slovakia SVK 11 6 1 4 13 290.0 134.0 27.0
32 52 Finland FIN 11 5 3 3 13 287.5 126.0 27.5
33 51 Estonia EST 11 5 3 3 13 282.0 115.0 28.0
34 35 Lithuania LTU 11 5 3 3 13 278.0 134.0 24.5
35 47 Germany 3 GER3 11 5 3 3 13 276.5 122.0 27.0
36 50 Turkey TUR 11 5 3 3 13 276.5 121.0 27.5
37 34 Kazakhstan KAZ 11 6 1 4 13 272.5 132.0 25.5
38 18 Czech Republic CZE 11 6 1 4 13 270.5 130.0 26.0
39 32 Denmark DEN 11 6 1 4 13 268.5 131.0 25.0
40 40 Iran IRI 11 6 1 4 13 265.0 123.0 26.5
41 44 Italy ITA 11 6 1 4 13 261.0 134.0 25.5
42 41 Germany 2 GER2 11 5 3 3 13 259.0 130.0 23.0
43 26 Moldova MDA 11 4 5 2 13 258.5 133.0 23.5
44 43 Latvia LAT 11 5 3 3 13 257.5 126.0 25.5
45 54 Austria AUT 11 5 3 3 13 252.5 128.0 24.5
46 38 Philippines PHI 11 6 1 4 13 250.0 128.0 23.5
47 55 Bangladesh BAN 11 6 1 4 13 249.0 121.0 25.5
48 64 Paraguay PAR 11 6 1 4 13 220.5 116.0 24.0
49 59 Colombia COL 11 5 2 4 12 257.0 130.0 24.5
50 33 Uzbekistan UZB 11 5 2 4 12 256.5 123.0 25.5
51 36 Switzerland SUI 11 6 0 5 12 251.0 126.0 24.0
52 69 Indonesia INA 11 5 2 4 12 249.5 114.0 25.5
53 46 Scotland SCO 11 5 2 4 12 249.0 136.0 23.0
54 58 Brazil BRA 11 5 2 4 12 240.0 114.0 25.0
55 61 Portugal POR 11 6 0 5 12 237.5 118.0 25.5
56 49 Egypt EGY 11 6 0 5 12 232.0 129.0 24.0
57 53 Australia AUS 11 6 0 5 12 222.5 121.0 24.0
58 84 South Africa RSA 11 5 2 4 12 220.5 114.0 24.5
59 39 Yug Rep Macedonia MKD 11 6 0 5 12 220.0 127.0 22.5
60 57 Ireland IRL 11 6 0 5 12 218.5 114.0 24.5
61 72 Faroe Islands FAI 11 6 0 5 12 213.5 121.0 22.0
62 78 Singapore SIN 11 5 2 4 12 210.5 109.0 25.0
63 81 United Arab Emirates UAE 11 6 0 5 12 191.0 111.0 23.0
64 45 Iceland ISL 11 4 3 4 11 246.0 126.0 24.0
65 130 Pakistan PAK 11 4 3 4 11 234.5 111.0 24.0
66 67 Qatar QAT 11 5 1 5 11 225.5 113.0 24.0
67 60 Venezuela VEN 11 5 1 5 11 224.5 125.0 23.0
68 66 Costa Rica CRC 11 5 1 5 11 223.5 123.0 21.5
69 31 Argentina ARG 11 4 3 4 11 221.5 120.0 21.5
70 68 Belgium BEL 11 5 1 5 11 215.5 110.0 24.0
71 74 Tajikistan TJK 11 5 1 5 11 207.0 111.0 24.0
72 65 Ecuador ECU 11 5 1 5 11 206.0 111.0 23.5
73 70 Mongolia MGL 11 5 1 5 11 188.5 119.0 20.5
74 63 Mexico MEX 11 5 1 5 11 188.0 107.0 23.5
75 95 Luxembourg LUX 11 5 1 5 11 177.5 111.0 21.0
76 93 Jordan JOR 11 5 1 5 11 175.5 104.0 22.0
77 106 Japan JPN 11 5 1 5 11 174.5 116.0 20.0
78 91 El Salvador ESA 11 5 1 5 11 173.5 115.0 19.5
79 90 ICSC ICSC 11 5 1 5 11 166.5 104.0 20.5
80 104 Jamaica JAM 11 5 1 5 11 165.0 96.0 23.0
81 98 Wales WLS 11 5 1 5 11 158.0 98.0 21.5
82 80 Kyrgyzstan KGZ 11 4 2 5 10 222.5 113.0 24.5
83 77 Turkmenistan TKM 10 5 0 5 10 200.5 102.0 22.0
84 86 Syria SYR 11 5 0 6 10 192.5 103.0 24.5
85 92 Iraq IRQ 11 4 2 5 10 188.5 116.0 21.5
86 85 Bolivia BOL 11 4 2 5 10 183.5 110.0 21.5
87 105 Guatemala GUA 11 4 2 5 10 182.5 102.0 22.5
88 76 IPCA IPCA 11 5 0 6 10 178.5 112.0 22.0
89 79 Algeria ALG 11 3 4 4 10 174.0 107.0 22.0
90 75 Dominican Republic DOM 11 5 0 6 10 167.5 109.0 20.5
91 83 IBCA IBCA 11 4 2 5 10 166.0 104.0 20.0
92 122 Albania ALB 11 3 4 4 10 162.5 105.0 21.0
93 107 Panama PAN 11 4 2 5 10 161.0 98.0 21.5
94 112 Sri Lanka SRI 11 4 2 5 10 160.0 96.0 22.0
95 103 Puerto Rico PUR 11 4 2 5 10 159.0 105.0 20.5
96 73 Malaysia MAS 11 4 2 5 10 157.5 114.0 19.0
97 71 New Zealand NZL 11 5 0 6 10 152.0 125.0 18.0
98 102 Angola ANG 11 4 2 5 10 151.5 89.0 23.0
99 87 Lebanon LIB 11 5 0 6 10 150.5 116.0 17.5
100 97 Thailand THA 11 4 2 5 10 140.5 112.0 17.0
Top 100 players by perfornamce
Posted by Unknown at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Olympiad Dresden 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Malaysia game at Olympiad Dresden
1st Round: Malaysia 3 1/2 - Libya 1/2
2nd Round:Malaysia 2.5 -Jersey 1.5
Posted by Unknown at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Malaysia news, Olympiad Dresden 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
IIUM Chess Invitational Result
No. Name Score WP SB PS
1. Ian Udani 7.0 42.5 36.25 33.5
Ismail Ahmad 7.0 41.5 35.75 33.5
NM Zarul Shazwan I 7.0 41.5 35.50 30.0
4. Mohd Saprin Sabri 6.5 36.5 28.25 29.5
Rizal Ahmad Kamal 6.5 34.5 27.25 28.0
Nor Ilhamuddin Shaikh Ali 6.5 34.0 26.00 27.5
7. NM Mohd Kamal Abdullah 6.0 44.0 32.50 29.0
Nik Ahmad Farouqi 6.0 41.0 27.50 29.0
Mohd Khair Wahiduddin 6.0 40.5 30.00 27.5
Muhd Syakir Shazmeer Azhar 6.0 39.5 27.25 27.5
Kamaluddin Yusof 6.0 38.0 26.50 29.0
Zarul Shafiq I 6.0 36.0 25.00 27.0
Mohd Hafez Hilmi Harun 6.0 34.5 25.00 23.0
Ruzenan Haji Abu Bakar 6.0 32.0 21.00 27.0
15. Sumant Subramaniam 5.5 42.0 25.75 31.5
NM Kamalarifin Wahidudin 5.5 41.0 26.75 27.0
Abdullah Che Hassan 5.5 41.0 24.00 30.0
Nur Nabila Azman Hisham 5.5 40.5 26.50 27.5
Norazman Ismail 5.5 40.5 24.75 31.5
Mohd Fadli Zakaria 5.5 38.5 22.75 27.5
Mohan Raj 5.5 37.5 23.50 23.5
Low Jun Jian 5.5 37.5 22.25 25.5
Mohd Nazmul Hassan I 5.5 33.0 19.50 20.5
Mark Siew 5.5 29.0 18.75 20.5
Amsyar Jauhar 5.5 25.5 16.75 18.5
26. Mohd Irman Ibrahim 5.0 44.5 27.00 27.0
T. Mandar 5.0 43.0 24.50 27.0
Jax Tham 5.0 40.0 21.00 26.0
Nor Izzudin 18 5.0 39.0 23.50 22.0
Yeoh Li Tian 5.0 39.0 21.00 25.0
Mohd Fairin Zakaria 5.0 38.5 22.25 27.0
NM Yeoh Chin Seng 5.0 37.0 21.50 24.0
Tan Jun Feng 5.0 36.0 19.25 23.5
Ahmat Rubel Abbas 5.0 33.5 19.50 20.5
Tan Li Ting 5.0 33.5 17.25 22.5
Bakri Abdul Karim 5.0 33.0 16.50 23.0
Ali Akbar Kuning 5.0 32.5 18.25 22.0
Abdul Khalid B Musa 5.0 32.5 18.00 23.0
Kamal Azmi Wahiddudin 5.0 32.0 19.50 21.0
Kesavan Shanmuganathan 5.0 31.0 18.00 18.0
Muhd Irfan Haqqim 5.0 29.5 15.50 23.0
Muhd Nabil AH 5.0 29.5 14.50 20.0
Syazrin Abd Rahman 5.0 29.5 14.50 20.0
44. Faizal Andin 4.5 45.0 23.50 28.0
Mohd Azizul Mat Daud 4.5 39.5 19.25 23.0
Hamidi 4.5 38.5 20.25 21.5
Azman Hisham 4.5 38.5 19.25 25.5
Sulaiman 4.5 38.0 18.50 24.0
Wan Mohd Fazli Wan NawawiI 4.5 36.5 17.25 22.5
Tan Wei Hao 4.5 36.5 17.00 23.0
Mohd Rohamafami Hassan 4.5 36.0 17.25 20.5
Dhiyauddin Yusoff 4.5 36.0 17.00 18.0
Mohamed Ismail 4.5 33.5 17.00 21.0
Razali Hamzah 4.5 33.5 14.25 20.5
Effendi Zakaria 4.5 30.5 13.25 17.0
Subramaniam Demudsu 4.5 28.0 13.25 17.5
57. Wan Ali B. Wan Manan 4.0 39.5 16.00 22.0
Akmal Salleh 4.0 37.0 16.00 21.0
Baharuddin Hamzah 4.0 35.5 15.50 19.0
Mohd Azizul Hakim 4.0 35.5 15.00 20.0
Sarika Subramaniam G18 4.0 35.0 14.00 21.0
Latifah Kaiyisah 4.0 35.0 13.50 21.0
Suhaimi Mustafa Albakri 4.0 34.5 13.00 23.0
S. Balendran 4.0 33.5 13.00 17.0
Nur Farihah Aminuddin G18 4.0 33.0 13.50 16.0
Mohd Faisal 4.0 33.0 10.50 20.0
Nazrul Hisham Hamzah 4.0 32.5 15.00 20.0
Khairul Hafiz Abd Rahman 4.0 32.0 13.50 19.0
Rutiaran A/l Jahanathan I 4.0 31.5 15.00 18.0
Azhar Mohd Said 4.0 31.5 13.00 18.0
Latifah Syamimi 4.0 31.0 11.50 18.0
Sharin Bin Cha 4.0 30.5 11.00 15.0
Mohd Sulkifly Ibrahim 4.0 30.0 12.50 18.0
Muhamad Faiz Nor 4.0 29.5 13.00 17.0
Yap Seng Fei 4.0 29.0 10.50 18.0
Izzauddin Syah Mahrome 18 4.0 27.5 10.50 13.0
Abdul Halim Bin Hussan 4.0 27.5 9.50 16.0
Ahmad Nizamuddin I 4.0 24.5 8.50 13.0
79. Haris Padillah I 3.5 36.0 13.75 18.5
Andrew Ooi 3.5 34.5 12.25 19.0
Omar Abdul Hamid 3.5 32.0 10.75 16.0
Ashwin A/l Subbiah 3.5 31.5 11.25 16.0
Amira Syahmina Zullkafli 3.5 31.0 10.50 19.0
Kaoma Kateule 3.5 30.5 11.25 15.0
Ahmad Hamzah 3.5 30.5 10.25 16.5
Lohanathan 3.5 29.0 11.75 17.0
Wan Mohd Azri Wan Fauzi 3.5 26.5 9.25 16.5
Ahmad Zaimi Abdul Latiff I 3.5 26.5 8.25 14.5
89. Leong Kin Foong 3.0 37.5 13.75 18.0
Nor Khairy Kamarudin 3.0 34.5 9.50 19.0
Dr Faizal Mat Arifin 3.0 34.5 9.00 17.0
Muhammad Faris Aminuddin 3.0 33.5 9.50 17.0
Sethupathy Ponniah 3.0 30.5 10.00 14.0
Satariabudi Mahidon 3.0 29.5 10.00 15.0
Ahmad Ilyas I 3.0 29.0 7.50 13.0
Looi Mun Choon I 3.0 29.0 7.00 13.0
Mohd Imran Razali 3.0 29.0 6.50 13.0
Abdi Fatah 3.0 27.5 8.50 13.0
Mohd Afiq Mustaffa I 3.0 27.5 7.50 12.0
Muhammah Ezaidie I 3.0 27.5 7.50 11.0
Mohd Khalil Khusairi 3.0 26.5 6.00 11.0
Mohd Khairil Ikhwan Husin 3.0 26.0 7.50 11.0
Khaw Yew Meng 3.0 26.0 6.00 12.0
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Shukor 3.0 26.0 5.75 8.0
Praveendera Rao 3.0 24.5 5.75 9.0
Nor Zatul Baihyah IG 3.0 23.5 7.50 11.0
Awang Khairul Mohd Salleh 3.0 23.5 5.50 9.0
108. Muhammad Hafiz I 2.5 33.5 9.50 15.5
Muhammad Alfirdaus 2.5 33.0 10.75 13.5
Mohd Zullghafari Saparmin 2.5 29.5 8.25 13.0
111. Ardoni Saharil 2.0 31.5 4.50 12.0
Saleh Abd Latif 2.0 30.5 5.00 13.0
Mohd Raimi Jaafar 2.0 28.0 6.00 11.0
Nusairah Ramli I 2.0 25.0 4.50 9.0
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Hambali 2.0 25.0 2.25 5.0
Rafiuddin Mohd Yusof I 2.0 24.5 2.75 7.0
Wan Nur Aishah Abd Halim I 2.0 22.5 3.25 8.0
118. Naren Odaiyappan 1.5 31.5 5.75 9.5
Roonie James 1.5 30.5 4.75 10.5
120. Mohd Tarmizi B. Hadirin 0.5 31.0 15.50 3.0
Eric Mosanto James 0.5 29.0 9.00 3.0
Hasidin Mohd Rashid 0.5 28.0 12.00 3.0
Mohd Faizul Yatim 0.5 28.0 9.00 3.0
Md Ridzihwan Afham 0.5 27.0 9.25 3.0
Mohd Faizal Zakaria 0.5 27.0 9.00 3.0
Azmi Othman 0.5 26.5 9.50 3.0
Ahmad Eizran Ezra 0.5 26.5 9.00 3.0
Jonathan Augustine 0.5 26.5 9.00 3.0
Muin Yahya 0.5 25.5 9.00 3.0
Ahmad Termizi Abdulah 0.5 23.0 9.00 3.0
Haslindah Ruslan 0.5 23.0 9.00 3.0
132. Muhamad Faiz Nur 0.0 32.0 16.00 0.0
Mohd Azmanizam Azmi 0.0 32.0 16.00 0.0
Saifuddin Aminuddin 0.0 32.0 16.00 0.0
Azfar Hasifi Ahmad Fikri 0.0 31.5 12.25 0.0
Khalid 0.0 30.0 12.25 0.0
Mohd Muhaimin 0.0 28.5 12.25 0.0
Ahmad Karsidy malla 0.0 27.5 9.00 0.0
Joshua 0.0 26.5 9.00 0.0
Khairul Hafez 0.0 26.5 9.00 0.0
Rusdi 0.0 26.5 9.00 0.0
Jessica 0.0 26.0 9.00 0.0
Ahmad Hafiza Yusoff 0.0 25.5 9.00 0.0
Syed Abd Rahman 0.0 24.5 9.00 0.0
Rosimah Mohamad 0.0 24.5 9.00 0.0
Fadhil Aiman Zakaria 0.0 24.0 9.00 0.0
Sarfaraz Ahmed 0.0 24.0 9.00 0.0
Carim Panumpang Jr. 0.0 21.0 6.25 0.0
Posted by Unknown at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Keputusan Kejohanan Catur Terbuka Gabungan Kedah/Perlis
Place Name Feder Rtg Loc Score Buch. Berg. Progr.
1 Amrie Ibni Hajar, Open 1200 6.5 35.0 32.50 26.5 (1st)
2 Shaharudin Mohd Shah, Open 1200 6 32.5 27.00 26.0 (2nd)
3 Zaharin Che Man, Open 1200 5.5 31.5 22.00 22.5 (3rd)
4-9 Cikgu Fauzi, Open 1200 5 29.0 18.00 20.0 (4rd)
Mohd Johan Mohd Jamil, Open 1711 5 29.0 17.50 22.0 (5rd)
Teoh Chow Xeng, Open 1200 5 28.5 17.00 20.0 (6rd)
Muadz Fauzi, U18 1335 5 28.5 16.00 22.0 (1st u18)
Marzuki Mat, Open 1676 5 27.5 17.50 19.0 (7rd)
Salim, Open 1200 5 27.5 17.00 17.0 (best veteran)
10 Syed Iskandar, Open 1558 4.5 22.0 13.25 15.5 (8rd)
11-20 Syazwan Fauzi, IPT 1294 4 30.0 16.00 18.0 (9rd)
Muhammad Nuriman Yahaya, U12 1200 4 30.0 15.50 18.0 (best u12)
Nasaruppin Abizar, Open 1200 4 28.0 14.00 19.0 (10rd)
Mahadzir Zainal Abidin, Open 1478 4 28.0 13.00 20.0
Nor Shafawati, Open 1200 4 27.5 13.50 17.0 (best lady)
Aikap, Open 1200 4 25.5 11.00 14.0
Zul Haizat, Open 1200 4 25.0 7.00 16.0
Syazana Fauzi, IPT 1200 4 24.0 12.00 19.0 (best ipt)
Amran Ahmad, Open 1200 4 23.0 11.00 14.0
Ameer Azizi, U18 1200 4 21.0 9.50 15.0 (2nd u18)
21-22 Rosli Yaacob, Open 1200 3.5 29.0 12.50 18.5
Qasdina Fauzi, U12 1270 3.5 18.5 7.50 8.5 (2nd u12)
23-31 Yahaya Ahmad, Open 1200 3 27.0 9.00 14.0
Jusoh Abdullah, Open 1200 3 25.0 7.50 14.0
M.Aizat, U12 1200 3 23.5 7.50 11.0 (3rd u12)
M.Asri, Open 1200 3 23.5 7.50 10.0
Muhamad Nurislam Yahaya, U18 1200 3 23.5 6.50 13.0 (3rd u18)
Md Fauzi, Open 1200 3 22.5 6.50 12.0
Afif Faiz, U18 1200 3 22.0 6.00 12.0
Nurul Najwa Mustapa, U18 1200 3 20.0 5.50 13.0
Muhd Helmi Zaharin, U12 1200 3 16.0 2.50 8.0
32-33 M.Aiman, U12 1200 2.5 20.0 5.25 10.0
Teoh Yu Nong, U12 1200 2.5 19.0 2.25 10.0
34-37 Nur Islam Murni, U12 1200 2 21.0 2.00 7.0
Mohamad Nabil Bin Zakaria, U18 1200 2 20.5 2.00 9.0
Ahmas, U12 1200 2 19.5 5.00 7.0
Asma Idayu, U12 1200 2 19.0 1.00 4.0
38 Md Zin, Open 1200 1.5 20.0 4.25 8.5
39-41 Mohd Zulkhairani, Open 1200 1 18.5 2.00 6.0
Azamudin, U12 1200 1 18.0 0.00 4.0
Aminudin, U12 1200 1 17.0 0.00 2.0
Cross TableNo Name Feder Rtg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Mohd Johan Mohd Jamil, Open 21:W 18:W 29:W 14:L 33:W 37:L 30:W
2. Marzuki Mat, Open 22:W 30:W 35:L 29:L 26:W 33:W 27:W
3. Syed Iskandar, Open 23:D 39:L 9:W 13:W 37:L 8:W 33:W
4. Mahadzir Zainal Abidin, Open 24:W 32:W 36:L 30:W 29:W 35:L 34:L
5. Muadz Fauzi, U18 25:W 27:W 39:W 35:L 36:W 14:L 29:W
6. Syazwan Fauzi, IPT 26:W 36:L 13:W 34:W 40:L 41:W 17:L
7. Qasdina Fauzi, U12 27:L 33:L 21:L 12:W 13:D 15:W 38:W
8. Afif Faiz, U18 28:W 40:L 33:L 25:W 22:L 3:L 24:W
9. Ahmas, U12 29:L 25:L 3:L 15:W 28:W 21:L 39:L
10. Aikap, Open 30:L 22:W 32:W 40:L 34:L 24:W 26:W
11. Ameer Azizi, U18 31:W 29:L 27:L 23:W 39:W 30:L 22:W
12. Aminudin, U12 32:L 24:L 19:L 7:L 38:L :W 16:L
13. Amran Ahmad, Open 33:D 23:W 6:L 3:L 7:D 39:W 32:W
14. Amrie Ibni Hajar, Open 34:W 41:W 40:W 1:W 35:D 5:W 37:W
15. Asma Idayu, U12 35:L 31:L 23:L 9:L :W 7:L 25:W
16. Azamudin, U12 36:L 26:L 22:L :W 23:L 28:L 12:L
17. Cikgu Fauzi, Open 37:W 35:L 31:W 39:W 27:W 40:L 6:W
18. Jusoh Abdullah, Open 38:W 1:L 30:L 24:W 32:W 34:L 36:L
19. M.Aiman, U12 39:L 37:L 12:W 28:W 30:L 38:D 20:L
20. M.Aizat, U12 40:L 28:W 34:L 31:W 41:L 26:L 19:W
21. M.Asri, Open 1:L 34:L 7:W 32:L 31:W 9:W 41:L
22. Md Fauzi, Open 2:L 10:L 16:W 38:W 8:W 29:L 11:L
23. Md Zin, Open 3:D 13:L 15:W 11:L 16:L 32:L 28:L
24. Mohamad Nabil Bin Zakaria, U18 4:L 12:W 37:L 18:L 25:W 10:L 8:L
25. Mohd Zulkhairani, Open 5:L 9:W 41:L 8:L 24:L 31:L 15:L
26. Muhamad Nurislam Yahaya, U18 6:L 16:W 38:W 37:L 2:L 20:W 10:L
27. Muhammad Nuriman Yahaya, U12 7:W 5:L 11:W 41:W 17:L 36:W 2:L
28. Muhd Helmi Zaharin, U12 8:L 20:L :W 19:L 9:L 16:W 23:W
29. Nasaruppin Abizar, Open 9:W 11:W 1:L 2:W 4:L 22:W 5:L
30. Nor Shafawati, Open 10:W 2:L 18:W 4:L 19:W 11:W 1:L
31. Nur Islam Murni, U12 11:L 15:W 17:L 20:L 21:L 25:L :W
32. Nurul Najwa Mustapa, U18 12:W 4:L 10:L 21:W 18:L 23:W 13:L
33. Rosli Yaacob, Open 13:D 7:W 8:W 36:W 1:L 2:L 3:L
34. Salim, Open 14:L 21:W 20:W 6:L 10:W 18:W 4:W
35. Shaharudin Mohd Shah, Open 15:W 17:W 2:W 5:W 14:D 4:W 40:D
36. Syazana Fauzi, IPT 16:W 6:W 4:W 33:L 5:L 27:L 18:W
37. Teoh Chow Xeng, Open 17:L 19:W 24:W 26:W 3:W 1:W 14:L
38. Teoh Yu Nong, U12 18:L :W 26:L 22:L 12:W 19:D 7:L
39. Yahaya Ahmad, Open 19:W 3:W 5:L 17:L 11:L 13:L 9:W
40. Zaharin Che Man, Open 20:W 8:W 14:L 10:W 6:W 17:W 35:D
41. Zul Haizat, Open :W 14:L 25:W 27:L 20:W 6:L 21:W
Posted by Unknown at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tournament Result
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Penang Chess League 2008
source: &
1. The Penang Chess League 2008 is a team-event chess tournament organized by the Penang Chess Association (PCA). The tournament format is a 7-round Swiss System played under the Laws of Chess of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) 2006 and the following supplementary rules.
2. Team Composition
The tournament is open to teams from these four broad categories: Public Sector (government and quasi-government departments), Factories, Institutions of Learning (schools, colleges & universities) and Others (companies, firms, registered societies/ clubs). Each team shall represent an organization in any of the above categories and only their bona fide employees, members or students can be registered in the team. However, each team is allowed to include one guest player.
Each team shall comprise a minimum of three and a maximum of four players, with any three players to play in every round. Each team shall appoint a team captain.
Restriction: The average players rating during play should be less than 1900
Organising Committee, Penang Chess League 2008.
Download details.
3. Time Control & Move Recording
Each player shall be given 1 hour to complete his/her game. Recording of move is compulsory for all players until the last 5 minutes. Penalties for not recording: 1. Deduct 5 minutes and updating the moves, 2. Deduct 10 minutes and updating the moves, 3. Lost the game.
4. Schedule of play
Captains’ meeting 13.30 p.m.
Round 1 13.12.08 14.00 p.m. Round 4 14.12.08 8.40 a.m.
Round 2 13.12.08 16.10 p.m. Round 5 14.12.08 10.50 a.m.
Round 3 13.12.08 19.30 p.m. Round 6 14.12.08 13.40 p.m.
Round 7 14.12.08 15.50 p.m.
Closing ceremony 6.00 p.m. – 7 p.m.
A Team Captains’ meeting will be held prior to Round 1 at 13.30 p.m. A 5-man appeals committee will be formed. Team captains shall submit the final list of their players to the Tournament Director by 13.30p.m., failing which the the online registration board order will be the final board order. The board order of the players in every round shall follow this list. Claims of ignorance due to the team captains; absence will not be entertained for anything decided and approved during the team captains; meeting.
All games shall be played in Dewan Sri Pinang, Pulau Pinang.
The Closing Ceremony will be held after the last round at 6.00p.m at the same venue.
5. Prizes
1st prize RM1,500
2nd prize RM1,000
3rd prize RM800
4th prize RM500
5th prize RM300
6th prize RM300
7th prize RM200
8th prize RM200
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top teams, based on total game points scored:-
There shall be no sharing of prizes. The following tie-breaks, where applicable and in the order given, shall be used to resolve any ties:
(a) Solkoff (b) progressive score and (c) match points
Special team prizes will also be awarded for the following categories:-
Best Government Team
Best U18 B School Team & Top 30% Teams
Best Private Firm Team
Best Factory Team
Best College/University Team
Best Ladies Team (ALL LADIES!)
Best Family Team
Best U18 G School Team & Top 30% Teams
Best U-12 B Team & Top 30% Teams
Best U-12 G Team & Top 30% Teams
Best U-9 B Team & Top 30% Teams
Best U-9 G Team & Top 30% Teams
Individual medals will be awarded (based on percentage score) for the following categories:-
Best Board Prizes For Boards 1 – 4
Best Veteran (45 years)
Best Lady
Best U-18 Boy
Best U-18 Girl
Best U-15 Boy
Best U-15 Girl
Best U-12 Boy
Best U-12 Girl
Best U-9 Boy
Best U-9 Girl
7. Submission of Entries & Entry Fees
The completed entry form together with the entry fee may be submitted to:
Penang Chess Association Club House at Bayan Baru.
Mr. Tan Eng Seong (Tel No: 012-4299517 after 7pm) or any PCA Committee Members.
Or register online:
The entry fee is RM120 for Open category, RM90 for Under-18, RM60 for Under-12 and shall be in the form of cheque made payable to Penang Chess Association. The PCA shall not be responsible for any loss arising from cash money sent through post. The closing date for entries is 11th Dec 2008. Acceptance of entries is at the sole discretion of the Organising Committee. Entries received after the closing date may still be accepted but a late fee of RM50.00 shall be imposed.
8. Disputes
The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final. An appeal should be submitted within 15 minutes of the end of a game together with a RM50 deposit. This deposit will be forfeited if the appeal is found to be baseless.
9. Liability
The PCA shall not be liable for any mishap or loss of personal property of participants during the course of the tournament. Participants and supporters must observe rules & restrictions and respect all property within Han Chiang College premises. The organizing committee deserves the right to change any of the regulation above without prior notice.
Posted by Unknown at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Upcoming Tournament
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Check your biorhythms before joining tournament.
Sample: My biorhythms
What does biorhythms mean?
At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess noticed identical rhythms in the case histories of his patients. He observed active and passive phases in the physical, emotional and mental aspects of humans. From these observations he derived the principle of the biorhythms: The physical curve with its cycle of 23 days, the emotional curve with 28 days and the mental curve with 33 days.
When the curve of any cycle is above the midline, we experience a "high" in the corresponding field (physical, emotional or mental). If it is the physical curve, you will feel bodily well and, for example, if you were to have an operation the body would be more resilent. If it is the emotional curve, you will be in a good mood and your contact with other people will be positive. If it is the mental curve, your thought processes will be sharper, concentration will be easier and you may have a lot of ideas and insights.
When the curve of any cycle is below the midline, we experience a "low" in the corresponding field. If it is a physical low, you may feel weak and listless; if it is an emotional low, you may feel miserable and out of sorts; if it is a mental low, thinking can be foggy and concentration hard.
When any of the curves crosses the midline, this is a critical time in the corresponding field and if two curves cross the midline at the same point, this is a very critical time. Critical in the physical field means you may feel exhausted and it is better to avoid physical effort and operations. Critical in the emotional field means you may feel irritable and sad, and emotional outbreaks are likely so it is better to avoid conflicts and arguments. Critical in the mental field finally means sluggish thinking and it is better to postpone activities that demand a lot of concentration.
Average (the yellow bar) is the average of the three levels "physical", "emotional" and "intellectual". It's level can be used to interpret your general well-being or state of health .
Biorhythms can't predict or explain events, they can only suggest how we may deal with them. For example, some doctors plan operations around them or sports coaches use them in their individual training programs. But it is up to you whether you believe in them or not.
Emotional Cycle: governs the nervous system, which is also called the "sensitivity rhythm". What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Emotional Stages? For the Positive Emotional Stage, you will feel great creativity, lovingness, and warmth. Also, you will probably be more open in your relationships. For the Negative Emotional Stage, you're inclined to feel withdrawn and less cooperative. You may also feel very irritated and negative about those things that occur in your daily life.
Physical Cycle: affects the physical aspect of the body, including your energy level, resistance, and overall physical strength and endurance. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Physical Stages? For the Positive Physical Stage, you will feel at your best. You will feel physically fit to work on projects requiring physical strength and endurance. For the Negative Physical Stage, you are likely to have less energy and less vitality. Be sure to follow this cycle if you require physical endurance for either sports or work.
Intellectual Cycle: believed to originate in the brain. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Intellectual Stages? For the Positive Intellectual Stage, you will be more intellectually responsive; you're open to accepting and understanding new ideas, theories and approaches. For the Negative Intellectual Stage, you're much more likely to have difficulty grasping new ideas and concepts
Posted by Unknown at 1:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: biorhythms
Monday, November 10, 2008
10th Octagon Quarter Allegro 2008
Date : 7th December 2008 (Sunday) Venue : The Chess Network, 4th Floor, Wilayah Complex, Jalan Munshi Abdullah
Time Control : 25 minutes per player
Tie break : (1) P/E; (2) Solkoff; (3) S/B; (4) Cumulative; (5) Won Game.
Registration 08.30 am - 09.00 am Round 4 01.30 pm - 02.20 pm
Round 1 09.30 am - 10.20 am Round 5 02.30 pm - 03.20 pm
Round 2 10.40 am - 11.30 am Round 6 03.30 pm - 04.20 pm
Round 3 11.40 pm - 12.30 pm Round 7 04.30 pm - 05.20 pm
Lunch break 12.30 pm - 01.30 pm Closing ceremony 05.30 pm

For pre-registration BEFORE closing date on 4/12/2008 (THURSDAY), please send an email (stating your name and telephone no., indicating your interest to join) Any new registration on tournament day shall be charged an extra RM5 as late administrative fee.
Posted by Unknown at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Upcoming Tournament