Dominguez take a lead with 1 point over his nearest rivals Evgeny Alekseev and Magnus Carlsen. Magnus Carlsen make this tournament difficult for him to catch the leader when he only manage to draw with Etienne Bacrot at Round # 8,Dominguez get an advantage by beating Evgeny Alekseev.At round #9 Carlsen draw with Dominguez and missed a change to share a top lead. Dominguez now needs just a draw with the Black pieces in his final game with Bacrot to win the tournament outright.
The standings after round 9:
1 Dominguez Perez, CUB 2708 6½
2 Alekseev, Evgeny RUS 2708 5½
3 Carlsen, Magnus NOR 2775 5½
4 Bacrot, Etienne FRA 2691 4½
5 Onischuk, Alexander USA 2670 3½
6 Pelletier, Yannick SUI 2569 1½
9th round (July 30th):
Alexander Onischuk - Evgeny Alekseev 0 - 1
Leinier Dominguez - Magnus Carlsen ½ - ½
Yannick Pelletier - Etienne Bacrot ½ - ½
8th round (July 29th):
Evgeny Alekseev - Leinier Dominguez 0 - 1
Etienne Bacrot - Magnus Carlsen ½ - ½
Yannick Pelletier - Alexander Onischuk ½ - ½
Kelas Catur Personal Bersemuka
5 weeks ago
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